Who am I?
Good question, but for now we’ll settle for Mamie Muse. I’m married to a wonderful man and we are both from the UK, but we immigrated to Cyprus when he was offered a job.
In addition to writing as a hobby, as well as for pay, I enjoy a range of hand and needlecrafts, cooking, reading, walking and swimming. I like to dance like a loon to whatever music inspires me (at any particular moment), and really throw my heart into it.
Why use a pseudonym?
I’m a private and quite shy person, so the very idea of putting myself ‘out there’ is exceptionally daunting. Using a pen name is like wearing a mask because it allows the innermost person to emerge, without the fear of personal rejection.
In addition, my blog will refer to my family, friends, and acquaintances. My anonymity protects their privacy too.
It may be that those who know me well will identify me through the cumulative information printed, but it won’t be common knowledge.
Why am I doing this?
I have mentioned that I write and copyedit/proofread for others. Adopting a specific style or bias to fit the requirements of clients does very little to help me develop my own voice.
This website is for me to explore my own writing and to find my own style. I’m flexing my mental, writing muscles to find out how I perform when I have no particular guidelines to follow. I want to know how my style has matured and developed, when I only have to my own specifications to meet.
Why do I write?
I write because I love it. While my aim is to make a living wage as a paid writer in my own right, I will still write for my own pleasure, whether I make it in in the industry or not.
What do I hope the website will achieve?
To begin with, I’m not expecting much at all, I’m just creating an online portfolio and development diary.
Eventually, I would like to have people read and respond to my work. I would like to inspire interest, intrigue, controversy and discussion.