Writer’s Block at the Starting Blocks

I am finally in a place where I feel the ability and need to take my writing out of its tiny little box and set it free on the web. What I hadn’t counted on was writer’s block kicking my ass at the point when I’m feeling at my most vulnerable as a writer.

Writer's block

Writer’s block before I’ve even started

I write, a lot. My brain communicates better through the written word and processes situations and emotions much more healthily. I shouldn’t leave out that I also have a fantastical fictional bent that has nothing to do with real life. I have never suffered from a genuine writer’s block before. Probably, because I have only ever sat down to write when I have been in the mood and had the time. Now, I’m doing it consciously and with aims in mind.

Eventually, I will write for a living.

Fear and (self) loathing = paralysis

My primary reason for starting this blog is to force me out of my, very safe, comfort zone and actually allow others to read my words. A terrifying prospect this is too, and abject terror has paralysed my brain. Fear is such a destructive emotion. I usually have a mind electrified with ideas and scenes and barely controlled rants about whichever political, social, or emotional turmoil that has me in its grip.

However, the dreaded Writer’s block has claimed my inspiration, consumed it up like the yummiest of morsels. I have not had a single cohesive thought process that I could expand into prose; my only thought has been “I don’t know what to write about.”

Breaking the blockage

There are a number of tried and true methods an tools that writer’s everywhere use to break the writer’s blockage. One of my favourites is Jeff Goins list of ideas. It’s not comprehensive and I’ve added a few of my own ideas

  • Bake
  • Stitch
  • Clean

So while I was utterly devoid of something to write for my first post, I decided to bake. Cheesy scones for my man and a loaf of somewhat dubious banana bread. Dubious because prior to making it I didn’t know if I liked it, considering I don’t like bananas, and I didn’t know if the husband liked it either. What I did know is that I had three spoiled bananas sitting in the fruit bowl waiting to be thrown away.

I have learned something from my brief relationships with writer’s block

  1. I DO like banana bread, despite hating bananas
  2. Learning to cope with or eliminate an issue is a broadening experience.
  3. Climax (in a partnership or alone) is another good way to break the hold of writer’s block


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